Dummies Covers Series

(Print Catalog)

Company: IDG Books Worldwide

The Marketing Challenge: To establish the 
...For Dummies imprint as a leading “how-to” series via trade catalogs used by IDG sales reps when selling the series into bookstores.

The Solution: Created an ongoing series of catalog covers that both highlighted the distinctive black-and-yellow Dummies covers against a muted setting and reflected the playful nature of the books’ contents. Also created a series of magazine cover-style “grabber”  bullet points to draw buyers inside.

Click to view all 5 covers

415-702-9797 • 650-341-2773  RoseMarie@cleesecreative.com
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Windows Books, 20-page Brochure

(Print Catalog)

Company: IDG Books Worldwide 
(book publisher)

The Marketing Challenge: To announce the forthcoming books on new Windows software while differentiating the publisher’s various series.

The Solution: I tied the brochure’s design in with the product manager’s POP campaign and opened the brochure with a chart/guide to the series, then devoted a page to each series, including overviews and annotated sample pages.

Click here to view 6 selected pages

Consumer Products, 56-page Catalog

(Direct Mail)

Company: Real Goods 
(“green” planet-friendly products for the home)

The Marketing Challenge: To clearly tell the environmentally friendly story of each product, along with the usual benefits and facts.

The Solution: I managed to write catalog copy that conveyed the “green” aspects of a product as well as the essential information needed to make a buying decision in the very little space allotted.

​Web Content

(Online Catalog)

Company: Hello Direct 
(telephone productivity accessories)

The Marketing Challenge: To convey all the unique features and benefits of an unusual product quickly and thoroughly yet succinctly.

The Solution: I researched the product and presented all the main benefits upfront in the introduction, using a copy tone that reflected the era of the product; made sure all the information was there that one would need to decide to buy.

Click to open a PDF file of the web page
Direct Mail

Consumer Products, 48-page Catalog

(Direct Mail)

Company: SelfCare 
(health, wellness, & beauty products)

The Marketing Challenge: To write copy for products that promote wellness, being careful not 
to market them as cures or medical solutions.

The Solution: I followed the catalog company’s stringent guidelines, writing copy that focused on the elements of the products that were verifiable and/or benefits that could be realized.

  © 2022 Rose Marie Cleese, San Francisco, California   415-702-9797  /  650-341-2773    RoseMarie@cleesecreative.com